Safety Management Council
The Safety Management Council (SMC) consists of fleet safety personnel. The council sponsors a variety of activities to educate its members about new developments in safety and encourages professional driving to promote a better public image for the trucking industry.
SMC Officers
Van Trimble, Chairman
Brookshire Grocery Co. vantrimble@brookshires.com
Steve Wilhelms, 1st Vice Chairman
NextRisk, LLC
Kenny Ray, 2nd Vice Chairman
Marsh & McLennan Agency kenny.ray@marshmma.com
Chris Iennaco, 3rd Vice Chairman
Chick-Fil-A Supply chris.iennaco@cfa-supply.com
Henry Vargas, Secretary/Treasurer
Excargo Services hvargas@excargo.com
SMC SeminarS
Fall 2024 Joint Seminar with FMC
The TXTA Safety Management Council and the Fleet Maintenance Council recently held their first ever joint Fall Conference in San Marcos, September 25-27. General sessions were held along with specific break-out sessions with Safety and Maintenance related topics.
With over 200 attendees, folks received key information regarding:
- A Legislative Session/PAC Report from TXTA President/CEO, John D. Esparaza and TXTA Chairman Mark Roesler.
- Spill Response: Complying with TCEQ Rules and Regulations
- Latest in Technological Advances in Tires
- Driver/Recruiting Regulations
- Legal Ramifications of Utilizing Technology to Manage Fleets
- Latest in EPA Regulations and Re-Gen Issues
- Maintenance and Safety Departments Working Together
- Updates from the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Texas Department of Public Safety and U.S. Border Patrol discussing CDL renewals, records and notifications, the Clearing House, Mexican CDLs, the Texas Hold’Em Initiative and border issues and activities.
Just prior to the beginning of the conference, two candidates successfully completed the interview and were granted their Director Level Certification in the TXTA National Motor Transportation Safety Certification program.
The candidates were:
Gordon Shiffer, Energy Transfer Crude Trucking
Geo Cuellar, Clark Freight Line
During the Technician of the Year Luncheon, Corey Tegeler with Old Dominion Freight Lines, was presented his Technician of the Year ring
During the Awards Dinner numerous individuals were recognized for their contributions to the trucking industry, their companies, TXTA, the Safety Management Council and the Fleet Maintenance Council. SMC Chairman Steve Blake, Statewide Materials Transport Leasing, LTD, was also recognized for his 2023-24, leadership term as the outgoing SMC Chairman.
The award recipients were:
FMC Leadership Award: Justin Munoz, Love’s Travel Stops
Distinguished Award For Excellence in Maintenance: Joe Stevens, Southern Star Transport
Driver of the Year: Eddie Camacho, HEB
Distinguished Safety Award: Alan Riddick, TNT Crane & Rigging
C.H. Cheshire Safety Award: Captain Bart Teeter with the Texas Dept. of Public Safety
SMC Excellence in Service Award: David Saunders, Precision Motion Health
The 2024-25 FMC Officers are:
Chairman: John Gusman, Mission Petroleum Carriers
Allied Chairman: Justin Munoz, Love’s Travel Stops
Allied Vice-Chairman: Brandon Flaming, Southwest International Trucks
The 2024-25 SMC Officers are:
Chairman: Van Trimble, Brookshire Grocery Co.
1st Vice Chairman: Steve Wilhelms, NextRisk, LLC
2nd Vice Chairman: Kenny Ray, Cline Wood, A Marsh McLennan Agency
3rd Vice Chairman: Chris Iennaco, Chick-Fil-A Supply, LLC
Sec./Treasurer: Henry Vargas, Excargo Services, Inc.
Thank you to all our exhbitors and sponsors!
Presenting Sponsor:
PrePass Safety Alliance
Title Sponsors:
Great West Casualty Company
Break Sponsor:
Transafe, Inc
Conference Sponsors:
Coastal Plains Trucking
Davis Crane Companies
EnVue Telematics
SH 130 Concession Company
Southwest International Trucks
Spring 2024 Wrap Up
TXTA Safety Management Council (SMC) helds its Spring Seminar in Waco, TX from March 27-29, 2024. With an impressive turnout of over 150 attendees, participants gained invaluable insights on various crucial topics including:
- A Legislative/Regulatory Report presented by Dana Moore, TXTA VP Government Affairs
- Establishing A Safety Culture, led by Scott Morris from Certus Hypercomm
- Workplace Impairment Training conducted by April Harris from the National Safety Council
- An OSHA update provided by Kenny Ray from Marsh & McLennan Agency
- Legal Pitfalls To Avoid and Precautions To Take, addressed by Peyton Inge from Kershaw Anderson
- A comprehensive Safety Update from representatives of the Texas Department of Public Safety: Major Chris Nordloh, Captain Bart Teeter, Lt. Danny Martinez, Sgt. Tim Davis, Rebecca Ramirez, and Stephanie Minor
- Updates from the U.S. Department of Transportation, featuring Rodney Baumgartner, Jeff Langloss, and Ron Coleman, all from FMCSA.
Additionally, just prior to the conference commencement, candidates underwent interviews with our Safety Certification Interview Board. We are pleased to announce that the following individuals successfully completed their interviews and were granted Director Level Certification in the TXTA National Motor Transportation Safety Certification program:
- Alex Ovalles from Southwestern Motor Transport, Dallas, TX
- Wesley Bement from Arnold Transportation Services, Cedar Hill, TX
Thank you to all our exhbitors and sponsors!
Presenting Sponsor:
PrePass Safety Alliance
Title Sponsors:
ISAAC Instruments LLC
Great West Casualty Company
TXTA Services
Refreshment/Break Sponsors:
Troy Construction
Transafe, Inc
General Sponsors:
Troy Construction, LLC
KIMRAD Transport, LP
Council of Safety Professionals San Antonio
DFW Council of Safety Professionals
East Texas Council of Trucking Professionals
Houston Council of Safety Professionals
Fall 2023 Wrap Up
The TXTA Safety Management Council recently held their Safety Management Council (SMC) Fall Seminar in San Marcos, Texas. The more than 175 attendees had a jampacked agenda featuring key industry information and speakers including:
- An 88th Texas Legislative Session Report from TXTA President and CEO John D. Esparza and Vice President of Policy and Government Relations Dana Moore
- A Texas Department of Motor Vehicles Titles & Registrations presentation from Carol Fallin, Director, Licensing & Registration, discussing upcoming permit changes, registration and apportioned tags, the multi-Year fleet program and other items
- Dodging Legal Potholes with Peyton Inge, Kershaw Anderson; Ed Brady, ENR Consulting; Tom Hartman, Commercial Fleet Data Systems; and Kenny Ray, Cline Wood, a Marsh McLennan Agency
- Distracted Driving, from April Harris Ramos with the National Safety Council
- Updated from the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Texas Department of Public Safety and U.S. Border Patrol discussing commercial driver license (CDL) renewals, records and notifications, new proposed compliance, safety and accountability (CSA) scoring system, the clearinghouse, Mexican CDLs, the Texas hold’em initiative and border issues and activities.
In addition, each of the local safety councils from Dallas/Fort Worth, San Antonio, Houston and East Texas reported on each council’s activities throughout the year and invited attendees to be a part of one or more of the local councils.
Just prior to the beginning of the conference, five candidates appeared before our Safety Certification Interview Board. All five candidates successfully completed the interview and were granted their Director Level Certification in the TXTA National Motor Transportation Safety Certification program.
Candidates were presented their certificates during the conference. The candidates were:
- Felix Beard, Sr., Carmen Pacheco Transportation
- Brent McDonald, Southwestern Motor Transport
- Rodney Moeller, Waterloo Insurance
- John PIttmon, Select Energy Services, LLC
- Rick Thomas, Webber LLC
During the awards dinner, numerous individuals were recognized for their contributions to the trucking industry, their companies, TXTA and the SMC. Award recipients were:
- Robert Svoboda, Jr., with Walmart Transportation, was recognized as the TXTA 2023 Driver of the Year
- Don Baldridge with Gulfmark Energy was recognized as the 2023 Distinguished Safety Award recipient
- Rommel Garcia with the Houston Police Department, CVE Unit, was presented the C.H. Cheshire Safety Award
- Joe Colwell with Commercial Fleet Data Systems was presented the SMC Excellence in Service Award
The seminar concluded with the closing luncheon where outgoing SMC Chairwoman Angela Lam, Cheetah Transportation, was recognized for her year as Chairwoman. Also recognized were the incoming SMC Officers for 2023-24. They are:
- Chairman: Steve Blake, Statewide Transport Leasing, LTD
- 1st Vice Chairman: Van Trimble, Brookshire Grocery Co.
- 2nd Vice Chairman: Steve Wilhelms, TVC Pro-Driver
- 3rd Vice Chairman: Kenny Ray, Cline Wood, A Marsh McLennan Agency
- Secretary/Treasurer: Chris Iennaco, HEB Grocery Co
SMC Fall Seminar would not be possible without our generous sponsors—thank you!
Presenting Sponsors:
Border Trucking Compliance Group
PrePass Safety Alliance
Title Sponsors:
Great West Casualty Company
Break Sponsor:
Opening Reception:
Envue Telematics
Spring 2023 Wrap Up
SMC held the spring seminar on March 29–31, 2023, at the Waco Hilton. Topics included the current legislative session, understanding the jury perspective and how to avoid nuclear verdicts, driver shortage, managing safety, selecting an emergency response provider, and updates from USDOT, TxDOT and U.S. Border Patrol, including the new proposed CSA scoring system, the Clearing House, Mexican CDLs and border issues and activities. Thanks to all of our speakers: Juan R. Fuentes, The Fuentes Firm, Paul Murphy, Murphy Legal, Ed Brady, ENR Consulting, Ryan Koons, Koons Trucking, John Gusman, Mission Petroleum Carriers, Kenny Ray, Cline Wood, a Marsh McLennan Agency, Kevin Johnston, Lone Star Hazmat, Arlo De Los Santos, Border Patrol Agent, Jeff Langloss USDOT, and Captain Omar Villarreal, Sergeant Richard Reid and Rebecca Ramirez, TxDPS.
To kick off the conference, eight candidates appeared before our Safety Certification Interview Board in consideration for director-level certification. All successfully completed the interview and were granted Director Level Certification in the TXTA National Motor Transportation Safety Certification program. This was the largest group of candidates to appear before the board and each were presented their certificates during the conference. Congratulations to the following certification recipients:
- Sara Beers, Genox Transportation, Inc.
- James Burleson, Grace Freight, LLC
- John Fleck, Jr., Williams Brothers Construction
- Charlie Maloy, Pulido Transport
- Joe Maple, LSP Transport, LLC
- David Serach, Chalk Mountain Services
- Sam Pogue, R.B. Stewart Petroleum Products Inc.
- Glen Snitker, Tex-Con Oil Co.
Safety Council Chapter Meetings
Dallas/Fort Worth Council of Safety Professionals
Steve Wilhelms, Chairman
Meets Monthly on 2nd Tuesday, Spring Creek BBQ in Irving, 11:30 am
East Texas Council for Trucking Professionals
Micah Rodgers, Chairman

Meets Quarterly on 2nd Tuesday (January/April/July/October), Willowbrook Country Club in Tyler, 11:30 am
Houston Council of Safety Professionals
Dylon Clark, Chairman
Meets Monthly on 2nd Friday, The Battleground Golf Course in Deer Park, 11:30 am
Council of Safety Professionals San Antonio Region
Christopher Iennaco, Chairman
Meets Monthly on Last Tuesday, Chesters Hamburgers in San Antonio, 11:45 am
In 1953, member companies of Texas Motor Transportation Association (TMTA), now Texas Trucking Association (TXTA), created the TMTA Texas Council of Safety Supervisors, now TXTA Safety Management Council (SMC), as a cooperative effort to develop industry standards in safety education, driver development, image enhancement, loss prevention and other topics to strengthen quality performance within the industry. Strong safety networking was established between carrier members and participants within the council. In addition to education sessions, action programs were created that fostered cooperative work efforts among council members who worked together with the compliance enforcement bodies on projects designed to promote compliance, reduce losses, improve quality and safety, as well as enhance the public image of the trucking industry.
Award Programs
SMC recognizes council members, law enforcement officers, companies, drivers and technicians through a variety of awards and contests. These programs reward individuals who go above and beyond to promote safety and professionalism, as well as exemplify a strong dedication to the trucking industry. SMC awards and competitions include the Distinguished Safety Award, Excellence in Service Award, TXTA Driver of the Year, Truck Driving Championships, Truck Safety Award and C.H. Cheshire Award.