TXTA Foundation announces publication of children's book

TXTA Contact: Kimberly Leggett

AUSTIN, TX—Texas Trucking Association (TXTA) Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of Semi Sam is a Trucker Man, written by Cornell P. Landry and illustrated by Melissa Vandiver. The book chronicles the adventures of Semi Sam and his two dogs, Mack and Molly, as they travel coast to coast delivering all of life’s essentials. 

“Through the publication of Semi Sam, the Foundation can introduce the trucking industry to the next generation,” said TXTA Foundation Chairman Brandon Woods. “Educating our youth on the value trucking brings to our daily lives is critical to the long-term success of the industry. We want to engage them young and introduce the idea of trucking as a career path, whether driving a truck or one of the many jobs behind the scenes that ensure we have all of life’s essentials.”

The idea of publishing a children’s book originated in 2017 in the Emerging Leaders Council (ELC) and has been discussed throughout the years. The ELC Class of 2022 championed the cause and immediately went to work on development and production—spearheaded by Kellam Maynor with W&B Service Company.

In 2021, the ELC presented the idea of a children’s book to the TXTA Foundation and the project was approved for funding. All proceeds from the book will go directly to the TXTA Foundation.

The ELC Class of 2024 has continued championing the book and will be taking it into schools across the state to discuss the trucking industry. If you are interested in sponsoring books for donation to schools, please email kimberly@texastrucking.com.

The book is available for purchase on TXTA’s website for $19.99, plus shipping and tax. Find more information on the book and it’s development online.

Thank you to the TXTA Trustees, Emerging Leaders Council Class of 2022, Glenna Bruun and Tracey Maynor for your involvement in making this book a reality.

TXTA Foundation was established in 1978 to fund education and research projects for the Texas trucking industry. The Foundation is a non-profit educational, public relations, research and community service organization governed by a Board of Trustees. The mission of this all-volunteer organization is to work with TXTA member companies to fund educational and community service programs to enhance the understanding of and image of the Texas trucking industry, with the goal of positioning trucking as the most vital and necessary industry in Texas.