Media Advisory: Texas Launches First-Ever National Trucking Campaign to Combat Sex Trafficking of Boys and Young Men 

TXTA Contact: Julie Hagen 

AUSTIN, TX — Ranch Hands Rescue, Texas Trucking Association (TXTA), and Titus Transport are launching the first-ever trucking campaign "Boys and Young Men are Sex Trafficked Too" to raise awareness of male victims of sex trafficking. The campaign aims to spread awareness across Texas and the United States as trucks travel the country, highlighting the often-overlooked issue of boys and young men being victims of sex trafficking.  

Press conference to announce the launch of a national awareness campaign featuring the message “Boys and Young Men are Sex Trafficked Too” on stickers placed on the back of semi-trucks.

Wednesday, January 29 at 9:00 AM on the South Capitol Steps in Austin, TX. Titus Transport trucks featuring the “Boys and Young Men are Sex Trafficked Too” stickers will be available for photo opportunities. See a map here.  


  • Bob Williams, CEO and Founder of Ranch Hand Rescue and Bob’s House of Hope  
  • John D. Esparza, TXTA President and CEO 
  • Sen. Brent Hagenbuch, CEO of Titus Transport and District 30  
  • Sen. Tan Parker, District 12  
  • Rep. Ben Bumgarner, District 63

RSPVs for media are not required but are appreciated. Media can RSVP or send questions to Bob Williams at