There are various and equally important ways to support TXTA Foundation and its educational efforts. In addition to fundraising events held throughout the year such as the Main Event at TXTA’s Annual Conference, golf tournaments and baseball games, there are many ways to contribute! TXTA Foundation greatly appreciates all gifts regardless of size.

TXTA Foundation hosts multiple events throughout the year to raise funds for the scholarship program. The Main Event, held during TXTA’s annual conference, is a festive evening of dinner and auctions. In addition, there are other fundraising events such as golf tournaments, baseball games and skeet shoots. Sponsorships, attendance and donations all help fund TXTA Foundation scholarships.

Workplace Contributions
The TXTA Foundation accepts workplace contributions from member companies as well. TXTA staff can help you develop a workplace giving campaign in your business. Additionally, many employers will match the personal donations of its employees and associates. The program can be in conjunction with a workplace contribution campaign.

Memorial Gifts and Bequests
Support the TXTA Foundation in the way of a memorial gift or bequest. Memorial funds enable friends and family to share memories and contribute gifts in memory of, or in honor of, a loved one.
A bequest in your will includes options of designating a specific amount of money, property or percentage of the residue of your estate.

Planned Gifts
Deferred or planned gifts enable the Foundation to plan for the future because they will be realized at some later date. Plan your gift by naming the TXTA Foundation as a beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy, retirement plan, charitable gift annuity or charitable trust. Your attorney can advise you of the various types of charitable trusts and the estate tax benefits of each and assist you in setting up a planned gift that is tailored to your personal needs.

Gifts of Stock
Your broker can assist you in making a gift of stock via a direct transfer. Giving a gift of publicly traded stock that has increased in value and that you have owned for more than one year may provide greater tax benefits than giving cash. Your charitable income tax deduction is equal to the fair market value of the stock and you avoid paying the capital gains tax on any increase in the current value over the original cost of the stock. You may also save by not incurring brokerage fees because you are transferring ownership rather than selling the stock.