Emerging Leaders Council



In 1932, Texas Trucking Association was founded to protect the collective interest of the trucking industry and is dedicated to educating members and equipping them with essential tools to operate successful businesses. To further that commitment, in 2013 TXTA created the Emerging Leaders Council (ELC)—promoting the next generation of industry leaders. ELC provides an opportunity for members to network and learn through interactive trainings and immersive advocacy experiences ensuring that the industry has a strong leadership base to call on. Previous ELC classes have included executives, business owners, sales teams, financial analysts and a variety of other trucking positions within the industry.

The ELC is comprised of up-and-coming leaders from TXTA and SMA member companies. During the ELC class term, members develop business relationships and friendships, increase their knowledge of trucking, legislative, regulatory and political issues, as well as establish themselves as future leaders within the association.



Konor Swedberg
Crum & Forster

David Serach
Vice Chairman - Carrier
Chalk Mountain Services of Texas

Brandon White
Vice Chairman - Allied
Lee Trans

Autumn Owen
The Fuentes Firm

Tricia Parker
Treasurer/Fundraising Liaison - Foundation
Acme Truck Line Inc.

Mike Razniewski
Treasurer/Fundraising Liaison - TruckPAC
SH130 Concession Company

Ryan Koons
Trout Trucking

Phil Baxter
Educational Outreach
Crum & Forster



ELC Class of 2026

Simon Anguiano
TCI Transportation

Michaela Clement

Jerren Dexter
RTS Finanical Services

Andrew Diesel
USI Insurance Services

Sarah Ellingson

Jake Esparza
Llano Realty Partners

Justin Frey
R.B. Stewart Petroleum Products, Inc.

Anthony Gaytan
Super Transport International 

Lance Gordon
Terrier Transportation





Courtney Hutson
GenOx Transportation

David Kierum
W&B Service Company & Superior Trailer Sales

Brittney Leffert
Sunburst Truck Lines

Brent McDonald
Southwestern Motor Transport

Jared Pinson

Fausto Reyes
Doggett Freightliner

Logan Sears
Cottingham & Butler

Rihard Suler

Alex Taylor
SIA Truck Insurance Agency