As the unified voice of Texas trucking, TXTA is a legislative advocate for our members and the transportation industry. We support pro-business and pro-trucking policies at the local, state and national levels. TXTA staff has decades of experience working in the legislative and regulatory fields, the executive branch of government, and grassroots and political campaigns. The combined experience ensures TXTA’s membership has knowledgeable and well-experienced staff advocating on their behalf.
Donate to TXTA's Lawsuit Reform Initiative

Legislative Voice
TXTA has taken the lead on tackling important issues impacting the trucking industry such as lawsuit abuse, vehicle miles traveled tax, infrastructure funding and many others. By working with policymakers at all levels of government, we can ensure that the trucking industry remains the thriving industry it is today.

Grassroots Campaigns
Change doesn’t always start at the top, which is why we utilize our membership to build grassroots campaigns. With clear direction from TXTA staff, we guide our membership on outreach efforts to help build statewide support for trucking issues. We work in partnership with American Trucking Associations to support their grassroots efforts at a national level.

Texas Legislative Session
TXTA is the association you can count on to protect and advance the interests of the trucking industry. Through numerous legislative sessions, TXTA has played offense and defense on legislation regarding lawsuit abuse, the margins tax, the fuel tax, and numerous regulatory items with the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, Texas Department of Public Safety and Texas Department of Transportation—and the list goes on and on. Many pieces of legislation only require one session, while others, such as lawsuit abuse, are a part of a lengthy process to bring impactful changes to the trucking industry

Trucking and Moving Day at the Capitol
Every other year during the Texas legislative session, trucking and moving executives from all over Texas gather in Austin to discuss TXTA’s legislative agenda. Meetings are held with statewide elected officials, as well as members of the Texas Senate and the Texas House of Representatives. Trucking and Moving Day at the Capitol allows TXTA members to promote the trucking industry and educate lawmakers on the essentiality of the industry. The face-to-face interaction with our state’s leaders is of the utmost importance and goes a long way in advocating on behalf of the trucking industry.

Call on Washington
Each year, TXTA hosts the annual Call on Washington (COW), where members travel to Washington, D.C. to meet with the Texas Congressional Delegation. COW is an opportunity for TXTA’s membership to engage with elected officials from Texas on specific trucking issues and to work closely with our national affiliate, American Trucking Associations. This is a unique chance for our members to see the innerworkings of the legislative process at the federal level.